GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 6:

Fate of a Nation: Suez Campaign Update

The NUTS group continued their 1973 Yom Kippur War Suez Front campaign game recently, with a series of actions.

The most recent turn focused on the Egyptian attempt to clear the Sinai passes, which would give them a strategic victory in the campaign.

Having cleared Mitla Pass during the last campaign turn, this turn they focused on Gidi Pass. An armor heavy force rushed the mixed armor and paratroop defenses. The fighting was heavy, but in the end the Israelis were forced to fall back. Israel must now launch a counteroffensive to retake the lost ground, or accept defeat.

Heavy Fighting in Gidi Pass

Israeli Magachs in Action

Massed Israeli Artillery Harasses the Egyptian Advance

Israeli Paratroopers Counterattack

Bart Oversees the Action

Gary Plots Revenge