GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 30:

Black Powder: Napoleonic Action

The GHS group started a new theme recently, planning a series of Napoleonic battles using the Black Powder rules from Warlord Games. We use the excellent supplement special rules from Clash of Eagles, as these give a very Napoleonic flavor to our battles.

The action saw two wings of the French Army pushing against a Russo-Prussian one. The defenders had decent positions, but were heavily outnumbered, especially in cavalry on their left.

The action started to get heavy immediately, with a swirling cavalry melee on the Allied left gradually swinging in favor of the French and their numbers. The Russians on that flank fought valiantly, but were eventually overwhelmed.

The fighting on the other flank was much closer, with repeated French assaults across a stream. A division of Russian infantry was holding its own, but the Prussian division on their right was taking heavy casualties, and eventually broke. An overall win for the French, and an excellent game.

Allied Defenses Along the Stream

The French Approach the Stream

The Russian Left Under Pressure

Russian Infantry Advance

Massed French Cavalry Sweep the Field

French Assault on the Stream is Repulsed

But They Keep Coming, Gaining a Foothold


Russian Infantry Tries to Rally

The Stream Line Holds
